Central Heating Systems

Central Heating Systems
Central heating systems have been considered a necessity in our homes and businesses for many years. When comparing available systems, consumers should carefully consider safety, installation cost, operating costs, maintenance costs, and comfort.
Types of Heating Systems
There are two basic types of systems - those that require a flame to operate (i.e., combustion based), and those that do not. Most central systems presently installed create heat by combustion, just as they did in the early part of the century. These systems use a furnace to burn a fossil fuel (such as oil, natural gas or propane) or, in some instances, wood. More advanced, non-combustion systems operate by transferring or moving heat from one location to another.
Combustion Based Systems
Until the last few years, combustion-based systems have been the preferred heating systems for home and business owners because of their moderate installation and operating costs, and wide availability in the market place. Unfortunately, there are a number of serious safety and related maintenance concerns with these systems.
Some combustion-based systems present an explosion hazard if the storage or delivery of their fuel is not carefully controlled. Explosions due to improperly installed or maintained gas pipes and delivery systems are often in the news. Since these systems require a flame to operate, failures or improper installation of system components (for example, heat exchanger, damper, chimney, or flue) can result in property loss to fire. Fortunately, smoke detectors have saved many lives that might have been lost to fires caused by combustion-based heating systems.
In addition to heat, combustion-based heating systems also create by-products such as carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a result of the incomplete burning of fuel in combustion-based systems. Incorrectly installed systems, chimneys that are blocked by birds nests, or downdrafting can cause carbon monoxide to remain inside of buildings. This is especially dangerous in modern, well-sealed buildings, where it is difficult for outside combustion air to reach the furnace, and where carbon monoxide can be trapped and build up over time. Furnaces, water heaters, and other appliances must be properly vented outside.
Combustion-based systems that deliver heat through ducts present occasional "blasts" of hot air. This not only reduces comfort directly, but tends to dehumidify the air. The addition of a central humidifier (with its associated installation, operating, and maintenance costs) can correct this humidity problem.
Combustion based central heating systems are often coupled with low-efficiency central air conditioners. This raises installation and operating costs significantly, while adding an entirely separate unit to be maintained.
Heat Transfer Systems
Non-combustion or heat transfer systems include heat pumps and geoexchange systems. Heat pumps operate by capturing heat from outdoor air and transferring it inside of a home or business. geoexchange systems capture and transfer heat from the earth.
Nearly all heat transfer systems can be reversed, providing central cooling as well as heating. Some heat pumps and most geoexchange systems also provide domestic hot water at low operating costs.
Heat Pumps
Beginning in the 1970s, air-source heat pumps came into common use. They have the advantage of no combustion, and thus no possibility of indoor pollutants like carbon monoxide. Heat pumps provide central air conditioning as well as heating as a matter of course. And they are installation-cost competitive with a central combustion furnace/central air conditioner combination.
Heat pumps operate by moving or transferring heat, rather than creating it. During the summer, a heat pump captures heat from inside a home or business and transfers it to the outdoor air through a condensing unit. During the winter, the process is reversed. Heat is captured from outdoor air, compressed, and released inside.
Much less electricity is used to move heat rather than create it, making heat pumps more economical than resistance heating. However, in all but the most moderate climates, the heating ability of the heat pump is limited by freezing outdoor temperatures. So electric resistance heat is used to supplement outdoor-air-source heat pump during the coldest weather, preventing "cold blow."
Depending on climate, air-source heat pumps (including their supplementary resistance heat) are about 1.5 to 3 times more efficient than resistance heating alone. Operating efficiency has improved since the 70s, making their operating cost generally competitive with combustion-based systems, depending on local fuel prices. With their outdoor unit subject to weathering, some maintenance should be expected.

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